#15 - Prodigy

img of #15 - Prodigy

Creating progressive animations using Perlin noise can produce linear, visually aesthetic and somehow more natural results, especially for abstract artistic results.

Perlin noise can produce pseudo-random values within a frame of time with smooth results, basically, using Ken Perlin’s algorithm we can create a deterministic vertex within a timeframe. In this example, I have tried to recreate the feeling of a continuous moving blob. Enjoy.

The algorithm

p.blob = (size, xCenter, yCenter, k, t, noisiness) => {
  let angleStep = 360 / 500;
  let r, r1, r2, x, y;
  for (let theta = 0; theta <= 361; theta += angleStep) {
    r1 = p.cos(theta) + 1;
    r2 = p.sin(theta) + 1;
    r = size + p.noise(k * r1, k * r2, t) * noisiness;
    x = xCenter + r * p.cos(theta);
    y = yCenter + r * p.sin(theta);
    p.curveVertex(x, y);

